It's set in concrete!

Munger Mountain Elementary School name set in concrete

It's a great feeling to see the school name it its entirety. Its final treatment will be a rubbed finish that will unify the concrete wall aspect, and will certainly look more attractive than its current state. Nonetheless, the school now has its identity well established.

Classroom in construction

From kindergarten through 1st grade, the classrooms will feature a bright and cheerful accent wall, its green hue being inspired by a traditional latino local color palette. It should keep our little ones wide awake and bring some welcomed color in their daily school life in the midst of winter.

Amphitheater sitting area under construction

Finally, here is a preview of the amphitheater sitting area, and the staircase leading up to the creativity commons and the classrooms wings.

This project has been completed and you can view it here on our website.


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